Visualize water in terrain
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
main.cpp [code]Simple main file, most things are located in Program.h
src/camera.cpp [code]Implementations of functions camera.h
src/camera.h [code]Class for handling the camera
src/fileHandler.cpp [code]Implementations of functions fileHandler.h
src/fileHandler.h [code]Loads and stores float arrays
src/flowSource.cpp [code]This file contains the implementation for the methods of the flowSource.h file
src/flowSource.h [code]Contains class specifing a flow source and its parameters
src/heightField.cpp [code]Implementations of functions in heightField.h
src/heightField.h [code]Contains the CPU and GPU implementation of heightfield
src/myDrawable.cpp [code]Implementations of functions in myDrawable.h
src/myDrawable.h [code]Contains classes with draw methods
src/program.cpp [code]Implementations of functions in program.h
src/program.h [code]Contains the main structure fuctions
src/readData.cpp [code]Implementations of functions in readData.h
src/readData.h [code]Contains datatypes and functions to handle input terrain
src/sdlTexture.cpp [code]Implementations of functions sdlTexture.h
src/sdlTexture.h [code]Loads image files and processes them into usable textures
src/shallowGPU.cpp [code]Implementations of functions shallowGPU.h
src/shallowGPU.h [code]Contains the CPU and GPU implementation of heightfield
src/Utilities.cpp [code]This file implements useful functions not part of the other libraries
src/Utilities.h [code]This file contains useful functions that doesn't quite fit anywhere else
src/voxel.cpp [code]
src/voxel.h [code]
src/xmlParsing.cpp [code]Implementations of functions xmlParsing.h
src/xmlParsing.h [code]This file implement all the parsing functions for the XML file contents and an generating function for the Flowsource class
src/shaders/addFlowShader.comp [code]Compute shader for adding flow to the water
src/shaders/addHeightShader.comp [code]Compute shader for adding terrain height to indata
src/shaders/advectVelocityXShader.comp [code]Compute shader for advecting velocity for X component
src/shaders/advectVelocityYShader.comp [code]Compute shader for advecting velocity for Y component
src/shaders/advectWaterShader.comp [code]Compute shader for advecting the water for shallow water implementations
src/shaders/depthshader.frag [code]Fragment shader for depth map rendering
src/shaders/fieldShader.comp [code]Shader for heightfield simulation
src/shaders/heightMap.comp [code]Calculates vertex data
src/shaders/normals.comp [code]Calculates normals from a height map
src/shaders/normConv.comp [code]Compute shader to perform normalized convolution
src/shaders/shallowwatershader.frag [code]Fragment shader for water rendering when using shallow water simulation
src/shaders/simplevoxels.frag [code]Fragment shader to draw a simple representation of the voxel grid
src/shaders/simplevoxels.geom [code]Geometry shader to draw a simple representation of the voxel grid
src/shaders/simplevoxels.vert [code]Vertex shader to draw a simple representation of the voxel grid
src/shaders/skyshader.frag [code]Fragment shader for skybox rendering
src/shaders/skyshader.vert [code]Vertex shader for skybox rendering
src/shaders/terrainshader.frag [code]Fragment shader for terrain rendering
src/shaders/terrainshader.vert [code]Vertex shader for model rendering
src/shaders/textureData.comp [code]Compute shader for creating a texture from buffers
src/shaders/updateHeightShader.comp [code]Compute shader for updating the height
src/shaders/updateVelocityShader.comp [code]Compute shader for updating the velocities
src/shaders/watershader.frag [code]Fragment shader for water rendering
src/xml/testing.cpp [code]
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