Visualize water in terrain
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
CameraPretty general camera class
DataHandlerLoads and modifies terrain data for easier use
FileHandlerUsed to store float arrays, and/or load them from files
Flood_Fill_dataStruct that contains information about a location to be filled
FlowSourceContains the parameters of a flow source.
HeightFieldHandles the heightfield simulation. Members marked with (CPU), were used during the CPU trials and are left in as documentation but should be viewed as deprecated
HeightMapThis class can be used to create models from height maps
init_Data_structEncapsulating struct for all objects read from XML file
LightParamStruct that contains one light source
LightParamsLight uniform
mapdataContains information about the loaded terrain
myDrawableContains functions for drawing and updating an entity
neighsStruct used for returning a voxel and it's neighbours
ProgramMain structure of the program
sdlTextureStores an image as an SDL_Surface, and binds it as a usable texture
ShallowGPUHandles the shallow water testcase simulation
SkyCubeUsed as a skycube for the program
voxelContains information and data in each voxel
VoxelgridHandles the representation of the voxelgrid
WaterSpecialized version of height map that handles multiple drawing programs
 All Classes Files Functions Variables Enumerations